Adrenal Glands

These glands can be found just above the kidneys and they secrete the hormones cortisol and DHEA in response to the stresses and strains of everyday life whether it be physical, emotional or psychological. Cortisol however is the main one and it can be your friend but it can also be your enemy. Most of…

The Art of Relaxation for Health

IBS, acid reflux, back pain and insomnia are some of the conditions that are known to be stress related and account for a large proportion of the GPs workload. A recent 8 week study in the USA followed 4,000 people while they learned the art of relaxation for 3 hours per week, with positive psychology…

Water, Water and even more Water

If the body’s cells drop in hydration by just 1% then the cells themselves have a 10% drop in their efficiency. In order for us to work at our optimum level our body should be around 75% water. If we break this down even further it means that our blood should be 90-93% water, our…


We make around 2-3 pints a day and it holds a few surprises that many of us haven’t even thought about. Saliva is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, it is a natural acid neutraliser so it protects the oesophagus and gastrointestinal tract and this precious liquid also contains a pain killer which is up to six…

The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Firstly, not all apple cider vinegar is equal so choosing good quality is preferable. I recommend an organic one with the ‘mother’ still floating around if we are going to drink it or apply it to our body but if we are using it as a house cleaner then the  supermarket variety is all that…

Gut Bacteria and the importance of Probiotics

Good gut bacteria adds strength to our immune system and produces natural antibiotics to prevent the growth of pathogens. They also encourage regular bowel movements, synthesise Vitamin B and Vitamin K, assist with the digestion of protein into amino acids, break down bacterial toxins, balance intestinal pH, detoxify environmental toxins (i.e. heavy metals, pesticides and…

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

In the UK we have 15 million people suffering the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 50-60% of those visiting the GP with these symptoms are referred to a specialist and around 95% of these have negative results. This is a large burden on the NHS in terms of costs, but more importantly, many of us…

The positive vibe of a smile

You may not feel like smiling on a cold winter’s day but it truly is worth your while. A smile gives off a positive vibe, people respond to it and it also plays a positive part in your emotions and your well-being. So, rather than keeping your head down, keep your chin up and feel…

Kale Chip Recipe

I often make these. They last a week in a glass jar, are great as a snack or for putting on top of salads and I have even tried adding them to warm soup but unfortunately they go soft. The younger the kale the better the taste but sometimes we just can’t be choosy so…

Stomach pH

How often do you hear that someone is suffering from low stomach acid? Hardly ever I would guess. Yet most holistic practitioners would suggest that low stomach acid was far more common than high stomach acid. So why are so many people in the UK taking some form of antacids, whether over the counter or…

Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori or HP)

HP is a bacterial infection of the stomach lining that affects approximately 50% of the UK population. There are various degrees of infection and various strains and it will affect us all differently. Some will have digestive symptoms and abdominal discomfort while others will not even know they have it at all. We contract HP…