IBS, acid reflux, back pain and insomnia are some of the conditions that are known to be stress related and account for a large proportion of the GPs workload.
A recent 8 week study in the USA followed 4,000 people while they learned the art of relaxation for 3 hours per week, with positive psychology being used to support the various groups and individuals. At the end of the study if was reported that there was a 43% reduction in participants using their medical services compared with the same period the previous year!
Stress accounts for much of our discomfort and illness and yet many of us feel we are on a never ending roller coaster which we cannot get down from. In the UK our society is busy, companies want more and more from us and many of us are drawn into this world of materialism that seems to be the norm and yet this cycle draws us in to yet more stress. We are all very good at putting pressure on ourselves but why do we do it? Are things so important that we want to make ourselves ill over it?
To heal the body we must give it what it requires to heal and if we cannot change our lifestyles then try to build in 20-25 minutes a day to find time to relax. Initially you may find it beneficial to join a meditation group until you are familiar with the techniques but if that is not an option then there are many great You Tube videos to guide you.
Training yourself to relax can be difficult at first as many of us do not know exactly what it feels like to be totally relaxed. Once you are established in your routine however your mind and body will look forward to this time of quiet and peace and the benefits…well they cannot be underestimated!