There is a saying ‘we should drink our food and chew our liquid’. I know it doesn’t seem to make sense but the bottom line is that we should chew our food until it becomes a liquid so we end up drinking it. Chewing ensures that food is primed and ready for the stomach to do its bit and this is achieved when the digestive enzymes within the saliva are mixed properly with our food.
Chewing our liquid may be a little harder to understand but the principle is the same. Saliva should still be mixed with liquid in order for the body the process it at its optimum level. We are still absorbing nutrients so don’t gulp down your fruit juices, take your time.
Many of us rush our food, don’t chew properly, eat when emotional or stressed, don’t sit at a table and then dash off immediately after! If this is you then you may already have some form of indigestion and if you haven’t you surely will!
When we talk about our digestion we mean anything from our mouth to our anus and the huge amounts of tubing in between. If our digestive tract is working well our body absorbs more nutrients and every organ responds positively and we feel healthier.