Since 1990 in the UK there has been an increase in hospital admissions for food allergies by a whopping 500%.
The UK has the highest incidence of asthma symptoms in the world and over the last three decades we have seen allergic rhinitis and eczema in children treble. Peanut allergies affect 1 in 70 children and only 10-15% of those with coeliac disease actually know about it. Gluten and dairy sensitivity/intolerance is also on the increase.
Why is this happening in the UK? In my opinion our food; our oxygen; our stress levels, yes even in children; our ability to relax, exercise and even our sleep patterns have altered in the last 30 years and we are now unfortunately paying the price with our health.
We do have some control though. Walk in the country as often as you can, try to purchase food away from the supermarket as there is often far fewer additives; relax more; less stress – you know the drill but it’s not always so easy to change our habits but what I do know is that it does pay dividends if we can.