This is done prior to bathing or showering and is an excellent way to stimulate the lymphatic system enabling toxins and waste to be expelled easier.
You will require a natural bristled brush and they often come with a long detachable handle and can be bought at a good chemist or on line.
Technique – all brush movements should be made towards the heart and approx. 3-5 strokes made in each area covering as much of the body as possible.
Lower leg – start at the toes moving the brush upwards towards the knee, moving the brush to different areas to ensure all the lower leg is stimulated
Thigh – take the brush from the knee to the hip, again ensuring the whole thigh is brushed.
Buttocks and Back – brush the buttocks upwards and also do as much of the back as possible.
Abdomen – circle the brush from right to left over your lower abdomen and then upwards strokes from the waist towards the breast area.
Arms – Brush from the ends of the fingers upwards and over the shoulders and downwards towards the heart.
Do not brush the face or decolletage as the skin is too delicate in this area.