Firstly, not all apple cider vinegar is equal so choosing good quality is preferable. I recommend an organic one with the ‘mother’ still floating around if we are going to drink it or apply it to our body but if we are using it as a house cleaner then the supermarket variety is all that is required.
Here are my tips…
Acid reflux and heartburn: sip 1 teaspoon in a little water to ease the discomfort.
Intestinal spasm, gas and bloating: apple cider vinegar is a natural way to aid digestion as it contains pectin which helps soothe intestinal spasms. Put 1 tablespoon in a glass of water and drink before meals to help reduce these uncomfortable conditions.
Hiccups: 1 teaspoon of undiluted apple cider vinegar stops hiccups and that’s because it triggers nerves in the throat to stop the movement.
Acne and spots: my daughter has tried this one and assures me that it helped. Just add the vinegar neat to the spots in question, especially if they are severe and sore. You can also add the vinegar to a dampened face cloth and apply this way too.
Fat burner: they say apple cider vinegar is an effective fat burner as it encourages the body to speed up its metabolic rate. Put 1 or 2 teaspoons in a glass of water and drink it before each meal. This also helps to reduce over eating.
Teeth Whitener: 1 teaspoon in water can be used as an effective way of whitening teeth and as a mouth wash.
Sore throat: at the initial stage when you begin to feel your throat is a little sore then gargle hourly with 2 tablespoons in half a glass of water.
Effective on warts? I don’t know as I am trying this at the moment. Soak apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball or pad and then tape it to the wart overnight. Do this as many times as required. I started doing this two days ago so cannot vouch for it.
Shiny hair: products make our hair dull so bring the shine back by using apple cider vinegar and water as a rinse, after you have washed it, then condition as normal.
Insect bites: dab a 50:50 solution of water and apple cider vinegar on insect bites to reduce the effects of the sting and to help it heal.
Dandruff: a 50:50 solution put into a spray can be effective in controlling this condition. Just spray the scalp, leave for around 2 hours then rinse. Do this twice a week if the dandruff is severe.
Foot fungus: the same 50:50 solution in a spray, as above, will be effective in managing this, and the smell that comes with it.
Deodorant: apple cider vinegar neutralises odours so use it neat under your arms. I was given this tip a couple of years ago and have used it ever since.
Joint discomfort: add 1-2 cups in a warm bath and soak for up to 30 minutes. This helps with joint discomfort, tendonitis and gout as it encourages uric acid to dissolve. Ensure you drink plenty of water before and after your bath.
General household cleaner: use a cup of this vinegar with 3.5 L of water as an antibacterial cleaner and put it in a spray bottle, it can be used on most surfaces.
Dishwasher cleaner: preferable to those sold in the supermarket and cheaper. Throw a cup into the bottom of an empty dishwater and run it as normal.
Window cleaner: use a 50:50 spray solution in a spray on windows. Spray, wait for it to dry then wipe off.