Oil Pulling

Blocked sinuses cause discomfort and pain for many on a daily basis and here I wish to discuss the method of oil pulling to relieve this discomfort. First thing in the morning, before food, swill and swish 1 tablespoon of cold pressed organic olive oil or coconut oil around the mouth and in between the…

The Gut Brain Connection

It’s a relatively new concept that the gut is connected with depression. Most people don’t realise that what they think and what they feel has an effect on their gut and this is known as the ‘Gut Brain Connection’. Gut bacteria, also known as microbiota, weighs 1-2 kg and are thought to number 100 trillion.…

Do I Need a Colonic Irrigation?

Many of us go through life slowly making ourselves sick. We are committing partial suicide because of the foods we eat and the way we choose to live. We are what we eat, absorb, digest and excrete. The following symptoms are an indication of internal auto-intoxification. Constipation / diarrhoea / frequent headaches / skin problems…

Vitamin D

This vitamin is very much in the news at the moment and, it appears with good reason, as most of us living in the northern hemisphere are sadly lacking in the best source available, the sun! The optimum level varies as in the UK it’s considered normal if your level is 25mnol/L and above while…