Many of us go through life slowly making ourselves sick. We are committing partial suicide because of the foods we eat and the way we choose to live. We are what we eat, absorb, digest and excrete.
The following symptoms are an indication of internal auto-intoxification.
Constipation / diarrhoea / frequent headaches / skin problems / lower back pain / frequent infections / fatigue / insomnia / irritability / irritable leg syndrome / bloating / indigestion / bad breath / asthma / food allergies / overweight / lack of sexual desire / loss of memory / low mood / high or low blood pressure and general aches and pains to name a few.
We should ask ourselves what vitamins and minerals does this food contain especially when it’s been commercially processed, refined, salted, sugared etc. With de-vitalized foods, toxins within the colon are increased and these are then reabsorbed back into and throughout the system causing less than optimum health.
To help balance our system a naturopathic approach should be sought. Consider good quality supplements, herbs, homeopathy, osteopathy, acupuncture, colonic hydrotherapy, exercise, more sleep etc. I also think that anyone on a standard Western diet would benefit from an internal cleansing programme* led by a professional.
*Please note that if you suffer from serious health issues see your GP before embarking on a deep cleansing programme.