432 Hz music (also known as Verdi’s ‘A’) is a music pitch that resonates with nature and is known to create universal harmony within us when we listen to it. The ancient Greeks used this pitch as do the Tibetan monks in their singing bowls.
432 Hz is connected with numbers and was used to build ancient sacred places like the pyramids, Parthenon in Athens and Chichen in Mexico. Mozart and Verdi both used the 432 Hz frequency and the famous Stradivarius violin was also made to work with this pitch.
The 432 Hz frequency is mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe so our feeling of connection is greatly increased when we listen to it. This is because it transmits a healing sound due to its pure tone of maths which is fundamental to nature.
The standard pitch of 440 Hz, which was universally adopted eventually in 1953 after many of years of debate, does not resonate with nature and can be seen to represent blocked energy. Unfortunately most of our current instruments are made to the 440 Hz pitch and unable to play nature’s frequency so it is not going to be easy process to re-introduce this back into the mainstream, although there is certainly a movement to do so.
If you are curious, give this music a try as there is plenty out there. It generates a feeling of calmness and happiness, it can increase your clarity by releasing mental blockages and during meditation it can enhance your overall experience. I have meditated for years and only fairly recently discovered that this music really does work.
Listen on your headphones, tune in, tune out to the rest of the world and enjoy the inner peace!
PS – You can download 432 Hz music free here. http://www.432player.com/
and also here’s a youtube video which shows you how music alters the vibrations around us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3oItpVa9fs