1 Listen to your body and if a food does not agree with you, even if it’s a healthy food, then it isn’t for you.
2 Chew your food very well and sit at a table so your digestion can do the job it was designed to do. If we sit on a sofa then all our organs are being squashed and we cannot digest properly. Try to leave 3 hours between finishing your evening meal and going to bed.
3 Eat as naturally as you can. Little processed packaged foods and less sugar goes a long way to good health and we all know why. Plenty of fresh veg for their nutrients and their fibre and a small portion of protein and carbs is a balanced meal.
4 Plenty of water to help toxins and our waste move through easily which keeps us well hydrated.
5 Gut bacteria is key to our digestive health so either make your own fermented foods or the modern day equivalent is a good quality probiotic. I recommend Advanced Naturals 50 billion probiotics as they are excellent quality without any binders and fillers. They don’t have a UK website but have an office in Berkshire and you can order from 0845 363 2098 quoting The Colonic Clinic, Market Harborough as they don’t sell direct to the public.
Do these simple things and your gut will thank you and you will feel so much better!