Many of us keep our teeth in good condition because we’re vain. In reality though there is a significant link between our health and oral hygiene. Tiny particles of bacteria from poorly kept teeth and gums can find its way to any part the body and this can start a process of disease, which may take decades to surface.
Dentistry in the UK over the last four decades has of course helped us keep good oral hygiene but it has also contributed to some of our ill health too. During the 70s and 80s dentists filling a tooth would drill a bigger hole than necessary to ensure that the decaying tooth was filled properly, with mercury! During the same four decades we have also been exposed to root canals, bridges and various implants which also tend to harbour harmful microbes. These microbes produce toxic waste which also puts a strain on the immune system and unfortunately thousands of us are still living with the aftermath of a mouth filled with harmful metals etc.
I teach Chi Kung and know that according to Chinese medicine our energy should flow through our many meridians without a blockage or hindrance but dental implants and metals impair this flow. When meridian energy slows then the associated organs and glands are affected and their efficiency may be reduced.
We still have a very long way to go before the materials that dentists use are in harmony with our body but the tide is turning in the right direction. For more detailed information on this subject visit Dr Mercola.