For the last 50 years we have been encouraged to eat low fat foods because we were told they are good for us and that saturated fat is bad. On the contrary and for many years research has shown quite the opposite!
The type of fat we eat makes an enormous difference to our health. The trans fats/ hydrogenated fats should be avoided at all costs as they have been modified to extend their shelf life with all sorts of chemicals that do not resemble food. In this I include margarine and various similar spreads and vegetable oils.
The good sources of fat are avocado, butter made with grass fed organic milk, raw dairy, organic eggs, coconut oil, unheated organic nut oils, raw nuts (not peanut) and grass fed meats.
The latest research is telling us now that we are not eating enough good fats and because of this our health is suffering. Low fat foods contain more chemicals, sugar replacements and crucially they often have little nutritional value. So the next time you decide to use butter on your vegetables don’t feel guilty, remember it’s healthy, in moderation of course!