This piece of equipment is now popping up whenever you mention the words health, detox and cleansing. So, what’s the difference between this and an ordinary sauna?
The traditional sauna will certainly encourage toxins to be released through heat and sweat but infra-red saunas do this with gusto and its rays are natural – they are also found in sunshine. This type of sauna penetrates through the skin and down into our muscles and organs making this one of the reasons why this sauna is now catching our attention. Thirty minutes daily, although more if you are time rich, is all that is required to benefit and here’s the reasons why.
• You release 80% more toxins if you use FIR during a detox/cleanse and it also releases heavy metals which are found deep within the tissues.
• You may only stay in the FIR for 30 minutes but your body is still benefiting 90 minutes later
• Many of our aches, pains and niggles can benefit along with the more serious diagnosed conditions. The FIR can be set so that our body temperature rises to 105 degrees and many say that even cancer cells can be destroyed when our body temperature rises temporarily to this level.
• Bacteria, viruses and the general cold also find it hard to hang on when they are exposed to this kind of heat. A 102 degree heat hits these nasties where it hurts and also helps our lymphocytes i.e. our immunity, work at a higher level than is usual.
• The FIR also dilates capillaries and arteries which in turn improves blood circulation.
• A 30 minute session will also burn around 300-400 calories and also help control cellulite and excess body fat.
• A session early on in the evening will give you a good night’s sleep and a session first thing in the morning will give you a real wake-up call!
• Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) sufferers have noticed a big difference and your Vitamin D will also be boosted which, living in the northern hemisphere, is always welcome.
A full size sauna, rather like a large wardrobe, is made from wood but there are also smaller options. There are portable fold up versions, there are belts, neck pads and even pet pads!
As always, if you have a condition and you are unsure whether the infra-red sauna would be suitable for you then please ask your doctor first.
The Hippocrates Institute in Florida sell what I would consider to be one of the best but don’t take my word for it do your own research. Here’s the link to find out more.