Judy’s 10 top tips:
1) Minimise your exposure to chemicals – switch to organic food where possible or remove pesticide residues on non-oganic fruit and veg with Veggie Wash or apple cider vinegar. Replace your household cleaning products for natural ones, (in particular avoid air fresheners – especially the ‘plug-in’ types), switch to natural cosmetics and personal care products
2) Avoid mucous forming foods – such as dairy products, wheat, chocolate and saturated fats
3) Avoid any foods to which you have an intolerance – commonly wheat, dairy, citrus, caffeine – consider getting an intolerance test
4) Reduce sugar – which lowers immune function
5) Quercitin is a flavonoid which acts as a natural anti-histamine. Foods high in quercitin include onions, garlic, apples, berries and green leafy veg
6) Drink plenty of water – dehydration worsens hay fever type symptoms
7) Nettle tea is anti-inflammatory and can help reduce allergic reactions
8) Eat a rainbow every day – a minimum of 5 veg and 2 fruits
9) Strengthen the immune system with garlic, ginger, turmeric, beetroot, artichoke, apple, carrot and green or white teas
10) Nasal cleansing with a Neti-pot and warm salt water- is cheap and simple (if at bit disgusting!) and can really help reduce nasal congestion. (available from Amazon)
11) Exercise – strengthens the immune system and reduces the severity of symptoms
12) Manage stress – studies show that those with the highest levels of stress report the highest severity of symptoms
13) Supplements – there are some great supplements that have been developed specifically to deal with the symptoms of hay fever and allergic rhinitis.
More information in Apr/May’s newsletter on fb.