You may be familiar with Serotonin as it’s known as the ‘feel good factor’ chemical but it’s actually a neurotransmitter and many of us are not aware of how it effects the whole of our well being.
Serotonin is made both in the brain and in the gut but only 5% is synthesized and stored in the brain and a whopping 95% in the small intestines.
Serotonin has a major influence on the digestive system and is a major key player in the workings of the GI tract muscles. Serotonin influences the cardiovascular system; mood; appetite; our immunity; it influences our aggression, sexual behaviour and our sleep. It also has an influence on our memory and our food cravings.
Serotonin is manufactured by an amino acid called tryptophan which is derived from food. Since serotonin is not made by the body a diet rich in calcium, magnesium, Vitamin B, fresh organic fruit and veg, Omega 3 and 6 and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) are all required for its production.