We seem to require a science degree in order to interpret our food labels and my advice is if you cannot understand it, it’s not real food.
Sugar and artificial sweeteners of course are no exception so for those wishing to eliminate these altogether then here is a list of the various names they are disguised under.
[ezcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]
▪ Acesulfame-K
▪ Agave
▪ Aspartame
▪ Barley Malt
▪ Beet Sugar
▪ Blackstrap Molasses
▪ Brown Sugar
▪ Cane sugar
▪ Cane juice crystals
▪ Caramel
▪ Carob syrup
▪ Castor sugar
▪ Corn sweeteners
▪ Corn Syrup
▪ Confectioner’s sugar
▪ Crystalline fructose
▪ Cyclamates
▪ Date sugar
▪ Demerara sugar
▪ Dextrin
▪ Dextrose
▪ Diastatic malt
▪ Diatase
▪ D-mannose
▪ Evaporated cane juice
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]
▪ Fructose
▪ Fruit juice concentrate
▪ Galactose
▪ Glucose
▪ High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
▪ Honey
▪ Invert sugar
▪ Lactose
▪ Malt syrup
▪ Maltodextrin
▪ Maltose
▪ Maple syrup
▪ Molasses
▪ Neotame
▪ Raw sugar
▪ Rice syrup
▪ Saccharin
▪ Splenda
▪ Sucralose
▪ Sucrose
▪ Syrup
▪ Table sugar
▪ Treacle
▪ Turbinado sugar
▪ Acesulfame-K
▪ Agave
▪ Aspartame
▪ Barley Malt
▪ Beet Sugar
▪ Blackstrap Molasses
▪ Brown Sugar
▪ Cane sugar
▪ Cane juice crystals
▪ Caramel
▪ Carob syrup
▪ Castor sugar
▪ Corn sweeteners
▪ Corn Syrup
▪ Confectioner’s sugar
▪ Crystalline fructose
▪ Cyclamates
▪ Date sugar
▪ Demerara sugar
▪ Dextrin
▪ Dextrose
▪ Diastatic malt
▪ Diatase
▪ D-mannose
▪ Evaporated cane juice
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]
▪ Fructose
▪ Fruit juice concentrate
▪ Galactose
▪ Glucose
▪ High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
▪ Honey
▪ Invert sugar
▪ Lactose
▪ Malt syrup
▪ Maltodextrin
▪ Maltose
▪ Maple syrup
▪ Molasses
▪ Neotame
▪ Raw sugar
▪ Rice syrup
▪ Saccharin
▪ Splenda
▪ Sucralose
▪ Sucrose
▪ Syrup
▪ Table sugar
▪ Treacle
▪ Turbinado sugar
Start also to think about the added sugars in all kinds of foods from ketchup to baked beans and salad dressing. As an alternative, if you really do like something sweet, is stevia and xylitol but don’t overdo these either.