10 Top Tips to Minimise Hay Fever

Judy’s 10 top tips: 1) Minimise your exposure to chemicals – switch to organic food where possible or remove pesticide residues on non-oganic fruit and veg with Veggie Wash or apple cider vinegar. Replace your household cleaning products for natural ones, (in particular avoid air fresheners – especially the ‘plug-in’ types), switch to natural cosmetics…

How to make Kefir (fermented milk)

Kefir starts off as either goat, sheep or cow’s milk to which some kefir grains are added. You can buy the grains online or get some from another kefir drinker and these grains resemble miniature cauliflower florets. If you are dairy free then you can make it with coconut milk or coconut water. Kefir was…

Spring Cleanse

Over centuries, in many cultures, it has been the norm to cleanse the body at the change of the coming season. Why you may ask? If you think about it, it makes sense. As Spring arrives we have the joy of longer days and warmer weather so the type of clothes we wear and the…

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Six tips from the Beating Bowel Cancer website: 1 Reduce red and processed meats as there is strong evidence of a link to bowel cancer 2 Eat lots of fibre although those with IBS should be careful 3 Exercise, as good core muscles keep the colon in place enabling a smooth and easy transit. Exercise…

Health Fair 24th March 2013

On Sunday i have a stall at the Health Fair being held at The Leicester Stage Hotel at Wigston Fields. I’ve never been there before but i thought it might be a good idea and fun too! It is open from 10.30 until 4 pm so please come along for a chat and find out…

Probiotic Powder for Babies

Biocare have recently added something for newborns to their range of quality products. Baby BioFlora is a powder that can be given to newborn babies up to 12 months and contains lactobacillis bacteria which helps establish a newborns gut flora. You may of course be wondering why this would be necessary? When babies are born…

10 Reason Why People Have Colonic Hydrotherapy

1. To see if a colonic will help with digestive issues ie Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), constipation, toilet urgency, abdominal pain and discomfort, indigestion, bloating, incomplete bowel movements 2. To help rid the body of excess gas 3. To release accumulated toxins during a cleansing/detox programme 4. To exercise the colon muscles, we all know…

Study into Probiotics and the Immune System

The following link on the ARCH website shows that probiotics are proven to help with symptoms of IBS. At the ARCH conference in 2011, members were treated to a brilliant lecture from Dr Claudio Nicoletti who had done a study into probiotics and the immune system. Dr Nicolletti proved that probiotics do indeed improve the…