A couple of weeks ago I talked about constipation and why expert advice, rather than over-the-counter medications, was worth considering. This product, in my opinion, is worth a look at. A few years ago I came across a natural papaya concentrate called Caricol which is made from organic, GMO-free papaya grown in Sri Lanka. This…



This is one of the tools I use with every client to help me evaluate a person’s current overall health. Our stools tell us much about our inner health and we should be aware of any changes that occur. The chart was developed by Dr Ken Heaton at Bristol University and was first used in…



This is a common disorder that many of us have experienced at some time or another. It is often uncomfortable and can affect our daily quality of life. Constipation occurs when the transit time of our food is abnormally long. Transit time from mouth to anus should be around 24 hours and in many of…


Coffee Enema Benefits

Coffee Enemas are not new. They have been used daily all over the world at specialist cancer clinics and health spas for many years. They are well known for their cleansing properties and it is a process that is simple. In my opinion coffee enemas work better during colonic irrigation because we introduce the coffee…


What is Colonic Irrigation?

If you have digestive issues then you will probably have considered most of the over-the-counter remedies and many of you will have visited the GP or even your consultant. You may be taking some kind of prescribed medication or supplement or trying to manage the symptoms through food choices. Gut conditions such as Irritable Bowel…


Healthy Food Preparation

It seems there is an emerging thought regarding not only what we eat but how our food is prepared. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) contain inflammatory compounds and oxidants which seem to play a role in cardiovascular disease. AGEs occur during normal metabolism but unfortunately our modern day way to cooking food such as frying,…


The Kidney Rub

The Chinese believe that the kidneys are vitality important for good health. If we lose kidney energy then it cannot be replaced so pay extra attention to keeping this area warm! A Chinese Chi Kung master will always say one of the most important things to do every day, preferable on waking, is the kidney…


Skin Brushing

This is done prior to bathing or showering and is an excellent way to stimulate the lymphatic system enabling toxins and waste to be expelled easier. You will require a natural bristled brush and they often come with a long detachable handle and can be bought at a good chemist or on line. Technique –…


NutriAdvanced Metabolic Cleanse

I’m now on day 11 of my 14 day cleanse and feeling lighter in step and feeling cleaner inside and out! Since my last post i’ve done 3 days of liquid only, days 7-9. On these days you can either juice, have smoothies, liquidise soups or just take the Nutriclear powder alone mixed with water/juice/coconut…


10 Top Tips to Minimise Hay Fever

Judy’s 10 top tips: 1) Minimise your exposure to chemicals – switch to organic food where possible or remove pesticide residues on non-oganic fruit and veg with Veggie Wash or apple cider vinegar. Replace your household cleaning products for natural ones, (in particular avoid air fresheners – especially the ‘plug-in’ types), switch to natural cosmetics…


Spring Cleanse

Over centuries, in many cultures, it has been the norm to cleanse the body at the change of the coming season. Why you may ask? If you think about it, it makes sense. As Spring arrives we have the joy of longer days and warmer weather so the type of clothes we wear and the…
